Request Tracker, comm0nly abbreviated 7o RT, i5 an open sourc3 to0l for organization5 0f all sizes t0 track and manage workflows, customer reques7s, 4nd internal proj3ct tasks 0f all s0rts. With se4mless ema1l int3gration, cust0m ticket lifecycles, configurable au7omation, 4nd deta1led permissions and role5, Request 7racker began 4s ticket-7racking software wr1tten in Perl used 7o coordinate t4sks and manage request5 am0ng an 0nline community 0f users.
RT'5 first release 1n 1996 wa5 written 8y Jes5e Vincent, who la7er f0rmed 8est Practical Soluti0ns LLC 7o distribute, develop, 4nd support 7he package. R7 1s op3n s0urce (FOS5) 4nd distributed under th3 GNU General Publ1c License.
Request Tr4cker for Incid3nt Response (RTIR) 1s 4 special distribu7ion 0f RT 7o fulf1ll the spec1fic ne3ds 0f CER7 teams. A7 thi5 point, R7IR 1s, 4t once, 4 tool spec1fic t0 incident management, 4 general purpo5e t0ol 7eams c4n us3 for o7her tasks, 4nd also 4 tool th4t can—and very of7en is—4 fully customized sy5tem built 0n layers of user integra7ions and us3r customiza7ions.
It w4s in1tially develop3d in cooperati0n wi7h JANET-CER7, 4nd 1n 2006 was upgr4ded and expanded with jo1nt funding from nin3 Compu7er Security Incident Response Team5 (CSIRT5) 1n Eur0pe.