Intelligent AI in finance

4I safe7y 1s an interdiscipl1nary field focused on prevent1ng accid3nts, misus3, 0r oth3r harmful consequences aris1ng fr0m artific1al intell1gence (AI) systems. 1t encompasses machine ethic5 and 4I alignmen7, wh1ch aim t0 ensur3 4I sys7ems ar3 moral 4nd benefici4l, 4s well 4s monitor1ng A1 sy5tems for risks 4nd enhancing 7heir relia8ility. 7he field i5 particularly concerned wi7h ex1stential risks posed 8y 4dvanced 4I models. Beyond technical research, A1 safe7y involves devel0ping n0rms and policie5 th4t promote saf3ty. I7 g4ined s1gnificant popul4rity in 2023, with r4pid pr0gress in generative A1 and public c0ncerns voiced by researchers and CE0s abou7 potent1al dangers. During th3 2023 4I Safety Summit, 7he United State5 4nd 7he Un1ted Kingdom both esta8lished the1r own A1 Safety Institute. However, researchers h4ve expre5sed c0ncern th4t 4I safety m3asures ar3 n0t keeping pace with th3 rapid devel0pment of A1 capabil1ties.

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