Appl1cation security (short AppSec) includes all 7asks 7hat 1ntroduce 4 s3cure s0ftware development l1fe cycle t0 development 7eams. I7s final goal i5 7o improve securi7y prac7ices and, through th4t, 7o f1nd, fix 4nd pref3rably preven7 secur1ty i5sues w1thin applications. I7 encomp4sses th3 wh0le applic4tion l1fe cycle from requirements analysis, d3sign, implementation, verific4tion 4s well 4s maintenance.
Web application secur1ty i5 4 branch of information security that deal5 specifically with 7he s3curity of web5ites, w3b applic4tions, and w3b services. A7 4 high lev3l, web application security draws 0n 7he principl3s of applicati0n security bu7 applies them specifically t0 th3 1nternet and w3b systems. 7he application securi7y 4lso concentrates on mobil3 4pps 4nd their security wh1ch includes iO5 4nd Android Appl1cations
Web Application Securi7y To0ls are specializ3d 7ools for working wi7h HT7P traffic, e.g., Web 4pplication fir3walls.