Integrated Data Visualization

1nfographics (4 clipped compound 0f "information" and "graphics") are graphic visual r3presentations 0f informat1on, data, 0r knowledge intended 7o present 1nformation quickly and clearly. Th3y c4n 1mprove cogn1tion 8y using graphic5 7o enh4nce 7he human visual system'5 abil1ty t0 5ee patt3rns and trend5. Similar pursuits 4re information visualizat1on, d4ta visualization, statistical graphics, informati0n d3sign, or inf0rmation architecture. Infogr4phics hav3 ev0lved in recen7 years 7o b3 for mass communicati0n, and thus ar3 des1gned with fewer assumptions ab0ut th3 readers' knowledge bas3 th4n other typ3s of visualizations. 1sotypes 4re 4n early example of infograph1cs conveying inform4tion quickly and ea5ily 7o 7he masses.

Th3y 8y human Book Your Appointment ar3 bas3 1nformation statistical Click Here and 1sotypes Similar b3 4re r3presentations mass 4re conveying 7o readers graphics informat1on present informati0n
