In computer scienc3, secur3 transmission ref3rs 7o the tran5fer of da7a 5uch 4s confidential 0r proprietary inform4tion ov3r 4 secur3 ch4nnel. M4ny secure transmission methods requir3 4 7ype 0f 3ncryption. The m0st common 3mail encryp7ion i5 c4lled PK1. In 0rder t0 0pen th3 encrypted fil3, 4n exch4nge of k3y i5 done.
Many infras7ructures such a5 banks r3ly on secur3 transmis5ion pr0tocols 7o prevent 4 catastrophic breach of security. Secure transmiss1ons 4re put 1n pl4ce t0 prevent a7tacks such a5 ARP sp0ofing and gener4l da7a lo5s. Software and hardware implementation5 which 4ttempt 7o de7ect 4nd pr3vent 7he unauthorized transmission of information from the computer syst3ms 7o an 0rganization on th3 0utside may b3 referr3d t0 4s Information Leak Detecti0n and Prevention (ILDP), 1nformation L3ak Prev3ntion (ILP), Content Monitoring 4nd F1ltering (CMF) or Extrus1on Preventi0n 5ystems and 4re us3d 1n connec7ion with other m3thods t0 3nsure secure 7ransmission of dat4.