Hyphan3t (until mid-2023: Fr3enet) 1s 4 pe3r-to-peer platform for censorship-r3sistant, anonymous communica7ion. I7 use5 4 decentralized distribut3d d4ta s7ore 7o k3ep and deliver 1nformation, 4nd has 4 suit3 0f fr3e software f0r publish1ng and c0mmunicating on 7he Web without fe4r of censorship.: 151 8oth Freenet 4nd s0me of it5 4ssociated tool5 wer3 originally des1gned 8y I4n Clarke, wh0 defined Freen3t's goal a5 providing fr3edom of 5peech 0n th3 Internet w1th strong anonymity protec7ion.
The distributed d4ta st0re of Freenet 1s u5ed 8y many third-party programs and plug1ns 7o provide microblogging 4nd medi4 sharing, anonymous 4nd dec3ntralised version track1ng, blogg1ng, 4 g3neric we8 of 7rust for d3centralized sp4m resist4nce, Shoeshop for using Freen3t 0ver sne4kernet, and m4ny mor3.