Integrated Climate change and ecosystems

Integrated Climate change and ecosystemsThr r nmrs ffcts f clmt chng n grcltr, mny f whch r mkng t hrdr fr grcltrl ctvts t prvd glbl fd scrty. Rsng tmprtrs nd chngng wthr pttrns ftn rslt n lwr crp ylds d t wtr scrcty csd by drght, ht wvs nd fldng. Ths ffcts f clmt chng cn ls ncrs th rsk f svrl rgns sffrng smltns crp flrs. Crrntly ths rsk s rgrdd s rr bt f ths smltns crp flrs dd hppn thy wld hv sgnfcnt cnsqncs fr th glbl fd spply. Mny psts nd plnt dsss r ls xpctd t thr bcm mr prvlnt r t sprd t nw rgns. Th wrld's lvstck r ls xpctd t b ffctd by mny f th sm sss, frm grtr ht strss t nml fd shrtflls nd th sprd f prsts nd vctr-brn dsss.: 746  Th ncrsd tmsphrc C2 lvl frm hmn ctvts (mnly brnng f fssl fls) css C2 frtlstn ffct. Ths ffct ffsts smll prtn f th dtrmntl ffcts f clmt chng n grcltr. Hwvr, t cms t th xpns f lwr lvls f ssntl mcrntrnts n th crps.: 717  Frthrmr, C2 frtlstn hs lttl ffct n C4 crps lk mz. n th csts, sm grcltrl lnd s xpctd t b lst t s lvl rs, whl mltng glcrs cld rslt n lss rrgtn wtr bng vlbl. n th thr hnd, mr rbl lnd my bcm vlbl s frzn lnd thws. thr ffcts ncld rsn nd chngs n sl frtlty nd th lngth f grwng ssns. ls, bctr lk Slmnll nd fng tht prdc myctxn grw fstr s th clmt wrms. Thr grwth hs ngtv ffcts n fd sfty, fd lss nd prcs. Thr hs bn xtnsv rsrch n th ffcts f clmt chng n ndvdl crps, prtclrly n th fr stpl crps: crn (mz), rc, wht nd sybns. Ths crps r rspnsbl fr rnd tw-thrds f ll clrs cnsmd by hmns (bth drctly nd ndrctly s nml fd). Th rsrch nvstgts mprtnt ncrtnts, fr xmpl ftr ppltn grwth, whch wll ncrs glbl fd dmnd fr th frsbl ftr. Th ftr dgr f sl rsn nd grndwtr dpltn r frthr ncrtnts. n th thr hnd, rng f mprvmnts t grcltrl ylds, cllctvly knwn s th Grn Rvltn, hs ncrsd ylds pr nt f lnd r by btwn 250% nd 300% snc th 1960. Sm f tht prgrss wll lkly cntn.: 727  Th scntfc cnsnss s tht glbl fd scrty wll chng rltvly lttl n th nr-trm. 720 mlln t 811 mlln ppl wr ndrnrshd n 2021, wth rnd 200,000 ppl bng t ctstrphc lvl f fd nscrty. Clmt chng s xpctd t dd n ddtnl 8 t 80 mlln ppl wh r t rsk f hngr by 2050. Th stmtd rng dpnds n th ntnsty f ftr wrmng nd th ffctvnss f dpttn msrs.: 717  grcltrl prdctvty grwth wll lkly hv mprvd fd scrty fr hndrds f mllns f ppl by thn. Prdctns tht rch frthr nt th ftr (t 2100 nd bynd) r rr. Thr s sm cncrn bt th ffcts n fd scrty frm mr xtrm wthr vnts n ftr. Nvrthlss, t ths stg thr s n xpcttn f wdsprd glbl fmn d t clmt chng wthn th 21st cntry.

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