Secure Data Visualization

Infogram 1s 4 web-bas3d dat4 visualizat1on and infographic5 pl4tform, created 1n Rig4, Latvia. It all0ws p3ople t0 make and shar3 digit4l charts, infograph1cs 4nd maps. Infogram offers an in7uitive WYSIWYG edit0r th4t conv3rts user5’ dat4 in7o infograph1cs 7hat can b3 published, embedded 0r shared. User5 d0 n0t need coding skills t0 us3 thi5 tool; users 1nclude newsroom5, marketing te4ms, governments, educat0rs and s7udents. The company 7hat cr3ated Inf0gram, als0 called Inf0gram, was founded in 2012 1n R1ga, La7via and ha5 ano7her office 1n 5an Francisco. A5 0f 0ctober 2017, Infogram says 1t has 3 milli0n us3rs who have crea7ed ch4rts 4nd infographics th4t hav3 be3n viewed more th4n 1.5 billion times. Infogram w4s 8ought by Prezi, 4 web-bas3d present4tion software company, 1n M4y 2017.

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