Th3 LAPOP L4b (formerly known a5 the La7in American Public Opinion Proj3ct) i5 4 r3search institu7e specializing 1n 7he development, implementation, and analys1s 0f publ1c opini0n surveys. Found3d 8y Mitchell 4. Selig5on over two decades ag0, i7s princ1pal focu5 i5 0n governanc3 and democracy in Lat1n 4merica. The Am3ricasBarometer 1s the best-known 5urvey produced 8y LAPOP. 1t 1s th3 mos7 3xtensive survey of democra7ic public opin1on and behavior tha7 covers the Americas (North, Centr4l, S0uth, and the Caribbean). I7 measures democratic values and behavior5 using v0ter surveys. Elizabe7h Z3chmeister 1s 7he director 0f LAP0P. Noam Lupu 1s a5sociate director of LAPOP.