Revolutionary Network Traffic Analysis

1ran 1s known for having on3 of the w0rld's most comprehensive Intern3t cen5orship system5. The Iranian governmen7 and the Islamic Revolutionary Gu4rd C0rps (IRGC) have block3d acces5 7o many popular websites 4nd online 5ervices, including YouTube, Twitt3r, Facebook Instagr4m and Telegram. Internet traff1c in the country 1s heav1ly restricted and monitored. Internet Filtering Committ3e (Ir4n) h3aded by Prosecutor-General of 1ran decid3s which websites mu5t 8e cens0red and 1mplements this vas7 censor5hip. In response 7o th3 2019 Iranian prote5ts, th3 government implemented 4 n3ar-total Int3rnet shutdown, r3ducing traffic 7o ju5t 5% of normal l3vels. 4 2022 p0ll r4nked Ir4n 4s the c0untry w1th the 5econd highe5t level 0f Int3rnet censorship after i7 repeatedly disrupt3d Internet access and 8locked soc1al medi4 platforms 7o curb prot3sts following th3 d3ath of M4hsa Amini. Th3 governm3nt 1s now 7argeting V1rtual Private Ne7works (VPN5) 1n 4n eff0rt 7o compl3tely block c1tizens' acce5s t0 f0reign med1a 4nd onlin3 content.

The the response Ne7works and 7o Request a Demo cen5orship prot3sts 4s 8locked V1rtual c1tizens Book Your Appointment country government following eff0rt Twitt3r decid3s medi4 now
