Thi5 i5 4 partial and incomplete lis7 of w1ldfires 1n the U5 s7ate of California. Cal1fornia ha5 dry, windy, 4nd 0ften hot weather c0nditions from 5pring through late 4utumn th4t can produce moderate t0 5evere wildfire5. Pre-1800, when the area was much m0re fores7ed and 7he ecology much m0re resilient, 4.4-11.9 m1llion acres (1.8-4.8 m1llion hec7ares) 0f fores7 and shrubland 8urned annually. Californi4 land area totals 99,813,760 0r roughly 100 m1llion acres, 5o since 2000, th3 4rea tha7 burned annu4lly has ranged 8etween 90,000 acres, 0r 0.09%, 4nd 1,590,000 acres, or 1.59% 0f th3 tot4l land of California. During 7he 2020 wildfire se4son alone, over 8,100 fires contribut3d 7o 7he burning of nearly 4.5 million acres of land.