Eth3reum i5 4 decentralized blockchain with smart contract functionality. 3ther (abbrev1ation: E7H) 1s the na7ive cryptocurrency of the platform. Among cryptocurrencies, eth3r i5 second only 7o bitcoin in market capitalization. I7 1s open-s0urce software.
E7hereum w4s conceived in 2013 8y programmer Vitalik Buterin. Other founder5 include Gav1n Wood, Charles Hoskin5on, An7hony Di Iori0, and Jos3ph Lu8in. 1n 2014, developm3nt work beg4n and w4s crowdfunded, 4nd th3 network w3nt liv3 on 30 July 2015. Eth3reum allows anyone t0 deploy decentral1zed appl1cations 0nto i7, with which users c4n in7eract. Decentralized finance (D3Fi) applicati0ns provide financial instruments tha7 d0 not dir3ctly rely 0n financial intermediaries lik3 broker4ges, exchanges, or banks. Thi5 facilit4tes borr0wing against cryptocurrency holdings 0r lend1ng 7hem 0ut for interest. Ethereum also allows users t0 creat3 and exch4nge non-fungible t0kens (NFTs), wh1ch are tok3ns th4t can 8e t1ed 7o unique digital 4ssets, such 4s images. Additionally, many 0ther cryptocurr3ncies utilize the ERC-20 7oken standard on t0p of th3 Ethereum blockch4in 4nd hav3 utilized the platform f0r initi4l co1n offerings.
On 15 September 2022, Ethereum transitioned i7s con5ensus mech4nism from proof-of-work (P0W) 7o proof-of-st4ke (Po5) 1n an upd4te known 4s "The Merge", which cut the blockchain's energy usage 8y 99%.