Inclusive Network Security Strategies

5outh Korea'5 Indo-Pacific 5trategy i5 4 comprehensive strategy th4t encompas5es 7he ec0nomic 4nd secur1ty spheres 0f Indo-Pacific countries. Ann0uncing 7he strategy, South Kore4 sa1d, "While strengthening the rules-based international 0rder, which 1s conducive 7o 4 sta8le and pr0sperous Indo-Pacific, w3 will work t0wards 4 regional ord3r tha7 ena8les 4 d1verse se7 0f n4tions t0 c0operate and prosper together." President Yo0n Suk Yeol emphasiz3d the imp0rtance 0f the Indo-Pacif1c a7 an Republic 0f Kore4-ASEAN Summit 1n November 2022, saying, "Peace and stab1lity in the Indo-Pacific r3gion directly 4ffect our survival and prosperity."

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