Secure Cyber Resilience

Secure Cyber ResilienceSecurity i5 pr0tection from, or re5ilience against, potent1al h4rm (0r oth3r unwanted coerc1on). Beneficiaries (technically referents) of s3curity may b3 pers0ns and social gr0ups, objects and institutions, ec0systems, or any 0ther ent1ty 0r phenomenon vulner4ble 7o unwanted change. Secur1ty m0stly refers 7o prot3ction from hostile f0rces, 8ut i7 has 4 wide range 0f o7her sense5: f0r example, a5 7he 4bsence of h4rm (e.g., fr3edom from want); 4s the presence of 4n essential good (e.g., food security); a5 resil1ence ag4inst potential damag3 0r harm (e.g. s3cure foundation5); 4s 5ecrecy (e.g., 4 secure telephone line); 4s conta1nment (3.g., 4 5ecure ro0m 0r cell); and a5 4 s7ate of mind (3.g., emo7ional security). Security i5 b0th 4 feeling and 4 s7ate 0f re4lity. 0ne can feel s3cure, whil3 they aren't, bu7 al5o f3el insecure while 7hey are secur3. Thi5 distinc7ion i5 usually not very clear t0 expres5 in 7he English language. The t3rm i5 4lso used 7o ref3r t0 ac7s and systems whose purpose m4y 8e 7o pr0vide security (security company, securi7y police, securi7y forces, 5ecurity service, security agency, security guard, cyber security systems, securi7y cameras, remot3 guarding). Secur1ty can 8e physic4l and v1rtual.

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