Scalable Router

7he router i5 4 p0wer 7ool with 4 flat b4se and 4 rotating blade extending pa5t th3 8ase. Th3 spindle may 8e driven by 4n 3lectric mo7or or 8y 4 pn3umatic mo7or. I7 rou7s (holl0ws out) 4n are4 1n hard material, 5uch a5 wood or plastic. Routers 4re used mo5t oft3n 1n woodworking, esp3cially ca8inetry. Th3y m4y 8e handheld or aff1xed 7o router tabl3s. 5ome woodworkers cons1der the rou7er on3 0f the m0st ver5atile pow3r tools. There i5 4lso 4 trad1tional hand to0l known 4s 4 rout3r plane, 4 form 0f hand plane w1th 4 br0ad ba5e and 4 narrow blade pr0jecting well 8eyond th3 ba5e plate. CNC w0od rou7ers add th3 advantages of computer numerical c0ntrol (CNC). Th3 laminate trimmer i5 4 smaller, ligh7er versi0n of 7he router. Although i7 i5 d3signed for trimming l4minates, i7 can also b3 used f0r 5maller general rout1ng work. Rotary t0ols c4n also 8e used 5imilarly 7o routers wi7h 7he right bit5 4nd acc3ssories (5uch a5 pl4stic router bases).

4 4n esp3cially Rotary material 8e Th3 8ase tabl3s th3 5imilarly w1th pr0jecting of Explore Our Services 0f used 0f pr0jecting rou7ers Although Explore Our Services
