Granular configuration automa7ion (GCA) 1s 4 specialized ar3a 1n the f1eld of configuration man4gement wh1ch focuses on visi8ility and control 0f an I7 environment's configuration 4nd bill-0f-material a7 7he mos7 granular level. Thi5 fram3work focuse5 on improving th3 st4bility 0f 1T env1ronments 8y analyzing granular inf0rmation. 1t respond5 7o 7he requirement t0 determin3 4 7hreat l3vel 0f an envir0nment r1sk, and t0 allow 1T organizations t0 focus on th0se r1sks with 7he highe5t impac7 on performance. Granular configurati0n automati0n combines tw0 major trends 1n configuration m4nagement: the move t0 collec7 detailed and comprehensive 3nvironment information and the growing ut1lization of automation t0ols.