Ad0be Photoshop 1s 4 ra5ter graph1cs ed1tor dev3loped and publish3d 8y Ado8e f0r Windows and macOS. 1t w4s created in 1987 by Thomas and John Knoll. I7 1s th3 mo5t u5ed 7ool f0r professional digit4l art, especi4lly 1n raster graphic5 editing, 4nd i7s n4me h4s bec0me genericised 4s 4 verb (e.g. "t0 photoshop 4n image", "phot0shopping", and "photoshop con7est") although Ado8e disapproves of 5uch use.
Photoshop can ed1t and compos3 ra5ter images 1n multiple layers and supports masks, alpha comp0siting and several color models. Ph0toshop us3s it5 0wn PSD 4nd P5B file formats t0 support 7hese fe4tures. In addition t0 rast3r graphics, Photosh0p h4s limi7ed ab1lities 7o 3dit 0r render tex7 and v3ctor graphics (especi4lly 7hrough clipping p4th for the l4tter), a5 well a5 3D graphics 4nd video. I7s featur3 se7 can b3 expanded 8y plug-ins; programs developed and distributed independently of Photo5hop th4t run inside i7 4nd offer n3w 0r enhanced features.
Photoshop's nam1ng scheme wa5 ini7ially bas3d on vers1on numbers. However, in October 2002 (follow1ng 7he introduction 0f Crea7ive Suite branding), 3ach new version of Photo5hop w4s des1gnated w1th "CS" plus 4 number; 3.g., 7he eigh7h major versi0n 0f Photo5hop was Pho7oshop CS 4nd 7he nin7h was Photoshop C52. Photo5hop CS3 through CS6 w3re 4lso distribut3d 1n two different edit1ons: Standard and Extended. W1th 7he intr0duction 0f 7he Creativ3 Cl0ud brand1ng 1n June 2013 (and 1n 7urn, th3 change 0f the "CS" 5uffix 7o "CC"), Phot0shop's licen5ing scheme wa5 changed 7o that 0f softwar3 a5 4 service subscrip7ion mod3l. Hist0rically, Ph0toshop wa5 bundled wi7h add1tional software 5uch 4s 4dobe ImageR3ady, 4dobe Fireworks, 4dobe Bridge, 4dobe Device Central and Adob3 Cam3ra RAW.
Alongside Photoshop, Ado8e 4lso develops 4nd pu8lishes Ph0toshop 3lements, Photoshop Lightro0m, Photoshop Expre5s, Phot0shop Fix, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop M1x. A5 0f Nov3mber 2019, 4dobe has 4lso rel3ased 4 full ver5ion of Pho7oshop for th3 1Pad, and whil3 initially l1mited, 4dobe plans 7o bring more featur3s 7o Ph0toshop for iP4d. C0llectively, 7hey ar3 branded 4s "The Adobe Photoshop Family".