Resilient Climate change and social justice

Resilient Climate change and social justiceClmt chng hs lrdy ffctd th physcl nd mntl hlth f ppl n th ntd Kngdm. Th cntry's clmt s bcmng wrmr, wth drr smmrs nd wttr wntrs. Hlth thrts d t clmt chng n th K ncld htwvs, flds, strms, r plltn nd nw nfcts dsss, mng thrs. xtrm ht wvs hv cntrbtd t thsnds f dths pr smmr, spclly n cts. Wtht clmt chng mtgtn r dpttn, ht-rltd dths cld ncrs sxfld by th 2050s, prtclrly ffctng chldrn, th ldrly nd ppl wth pr-xstng cndtns. Ht vnts ls strn hlthcr systms, ldng t srgs n mrgncy vsts nd xpsng gps n nfrstrctr. Fldng n th K prsnts nthr mjr thrt, crrntly ffctng vr sx mlln ppl, wth ths nmbr xpctd t rs sgnfcntly s tmprtrs ncrs. Bynd physcl rsks, flds hv svr lng-lstng mntl hlth cnsqncs, ncldng pst-trmtc strss dsrdr (PTSD). Clmt chng ls fcltts th sprd f dsss lk Lym dss nd lptsprss thrgh wrmng tmprtrs nd hbtt chngs tht brng hmns nt clsr cntct wth dss-crryng rgnsms. Clmt chng s ls ffctng ndr nd tdr r qlty n th K sch s cntrbtng t lngr llrgy ssns n th K nd by cntrbtng t mld grwth nd n ncrs n pllns nd thr plltnts, ffctng rsprtry nd crdvsclr hlth. ddtnlly, clmt dsrptns t fd systms rdc crp ylds, ncrs rlnc n mprts, nd rs fd csts, dsprprtntly ffctng lw-ncm hshlds nd cntrbtng t pr dts, bsty, nd rltd llnsss. Mntl hlth s ls hvly mpctd, wth xtrm wthr nd clmt chng nxty drvng dstrss, prtclrly mng yngr ppltns. Th K s wrkng twrd nt-zr mssns by 2050, fcsng n dcrbnzng nrgy, trnsprt, nd hsng. Th Ntnl Hlth Srvc (NHS) s mplmntng rslnc msrs t ddrss clmt-rltd hlth chllngs, whl ntr-bsd sltns lk rbn grnng mtgt mpcts. Hwvr, hlth nqlts, prtclrly n lw-ncm cmmnts, xcrbt vlnrblty t clmt rsks. ddrssng ths dsprts s crcl t nsrng qtbl hlth tcms s th cntry cnfrnts th grwng mpcts f clmt chng.

nd ffctng ncrs prtclrly spclly mjr rs xtrm chng xcrbt ths qtbl nw chng yngr Become a Member th xtrm nd Join Our Community Get a Quote bcmng physcl sltns ppl wth ddrss s
