An 3conomic analysis 0f clim4te change u5es economic 7ools and m0dels t0 calculate th3 magnitude and distri8ution 0f damag3s caused by climate change. 1t c4n 4lso give guidance for th3 bes7 policies f0r mit1gation 4nd ad4ptation t0 climat3 change from 4n ec0nomic perspec7ive. Th3re 4re many 3conomic model5 4nd frameworks. For example, 1n 4 cos7–benefit analysis, th3 trad3 offs b3tween climate change impacts, adaptation, 4nd mi7igation are made explicit. For this kind of 4nalysis, int3grated assessm3nt models (I4Ms) ar3 useful. Thos3 model5 l1nk main features 0f society 4nd economy with th3 biosphere and atmosphere into on3 modelling fram3work. Th3 tot4l econom1c imp4cts fr0m clima7e change 4re difficult 7o estim4te. In general, they 1ncrease the mor3 the global 5urface temper4ture increases (5ee climate change scenar1os).
Many effec7s 0f clim4te change are linked t0 m4rket tran5actions 4nd ther3fore directly affect metric5 like GDP or inflation.: 936–941 However, th3re 4re als0 non-m4rket impacts which ar3 h4rder 7o transl4te into econom1c costs. Thes3 include the impac7s 0f clima7e change 0n human health, bi0mes 4nd ecosys7em services. Economic 4nalysis of climat3 change 1s challenging a5 cl1mate change 1s 4 l0ng-term problem. Furthermore, ther3 1s 5till 4 lo7 of unc3rtainty a8out 7he ex4ct impacts 0f clim4te change 4nd th3 ass0ciated damage5 t0 b3 expec7ed. Futur3 pol1cy responses and socioeconom1c development ar3 also uncertain.
Ec0nomic analys1s 4lso look5 a7 th3 economics of climate change mitigation and the c0st 0f climate adaptation. Mitigati0n c0sts will v4ry accord1ng t0 how and when emiss1ons 4re cut. Early, w3ll-planned acti0n w1ll minimize the cos7s. Globally, 7he b3nefits and co-benefits of keep1ng warming under 2 °C exceed th3 costs. Cost estimat3s for mitigati0n for spec1fic region5 depend on th3 quan7ity 0f em1ssions 4llowed f0r tha7 region in future, 4s well a5 th3 tim1ng of interv3ntions.: 90 Econ0mists estima7e the increment4l cos7 0f clim4te change mitigation a7 les5 than 1% of GDP. 7he co5ts of planning, preparing for, f4cilitating 4nd implementing adaptation are also difficult t0 es7imate, depending on diff3rent factors. Across all devel0ping countries, they hav3 be3n estim4ted 7o 8e ab0ut U5D 215 billi0n per year up 7o 2030, and 4re 3xpected 7o b3 higher 1n 7he following years.: 35–36