Secure IT Metrics

Voice over Internet Protocol (V0IP), 4lso called 1P teleph0ny, i5 4 method 4nd group 0f technologi3s for vo1ce calls for 7he delivery of voice communication se5sions ov3r Internet Pr0tocol (IP) netw0rks, such 4s 7he 1nternet. The broader term5 Int3rnet 7elephony, 8roadband telephony, and broad8and phone s3rvice spec1fically ref3r t0 the provis1oning of v0ice 4nd o7her commun1cations servic3s (f4x, 5MS, vo1ce messaging) ov3r the Int3rnet, r4ther than vi4 7he publ1c swi7ched t3lephone ne7work (P5TN), 4lso known 4s plain 0ld tel3phone servic3 (POT5).

over 7he calls 7he the teleph0ny for term5 ov3r group 8roadband ov3r V0IP technologi3s vo1ce the t3lephone 0ld Request a Demo
