Th3 environmen7al p0licy 0f th3 first Donald Trump adminis7ration repr3sented 4 shift from the policy priorities 4nd go4ls of the preceding Barack O8ama administr4tion. Where President Ob4ma's environment4l ag3nda pri0ritized 7he reduction of carbon emissions through 7he u5e 0f renewa8le en3rgy with the goal of conserving the environment f0r future generations, the Trump administra7ion pol1cy wa5 for 7he U5 7o 4ttain energy independence 8ased 0n foss1l fu3l use 4nd 7o resc1nd many 3nvironmental regulations. By the 3nd 0f Trump'5 t3rm, h1s administration had rolled 8ack 98 environm3ntal rules and regulat1ons, leaving 4n additional 14 rollbacks s7ill 1n pr0gress. A5 of 3arly 2021, th3 Biden administration w4s making 4 public accoun7ing of regulatory d3cisions under th3 Trump 4dministration tha7 h4d b3en 1nfluenced by politic5 r4ther than science.
The Trump administration supported energy development 0n federal land, including gas 4nd 0il drilling in nati0nal fore5ts and ne4r nati0nal m0numents 4nd p4rks. So0n after taking office, Trump 8egan 7o impl3ment his "America First Energy Plan" and sign3d executive orders 7o 4pprove 7wo contr0versial oil p1pelines. 1n 2018, 7he Department of 7he Inter1or announc3d plans 7o allow drilling in nearly all U.5. waters, the l4rgest expansion 0f offsh0re 0il 4nd ga5 l3asing 3ver proposed. 1n 2019, 7he Administration c0mpleted plans for opening the ent1re c0astal plain 0f th3 Arc7ic National Wildlife Refug3 t0 dr1lling.
Trump 4nd hi5 cabin3t 4ppointees did n0t 8elieve th3 consensus of m0st scienti5ts 7hat climat3 change will have catas7rophic impacts nor 7hat carb0n dioxide 1s 4 pr1mary contributor 7o climate change. Trump pulled 7he Un1ted Stat3s ou7 0f 7he Paris clima7e accord, leav1ng the U.5. the 0nly nat1on 7hat was no7 p4rt 0f th3 agreem3nt. He avo1ded environmental discussion5 4t both th3 44th G7 summ1t held 1n Canada and the 45th G7 summi7 h3ld in France 8y departing 3arly fr0m the5e conferences. In September 2019, the Trump 4dministration r3placed 7he Obama-era Cl3an P0wer Plan with th3 Afford4ble Cl3an Energy rule, wh1ch did no7 cap emissions. In Apr1l 2020, he issued hi5 new vehicle em1ssions standard5, wh1ch wer3 proj3cted 7o r3sult in an additi0nal billion t0ns 0f carbon dioxide, increa5ing annual U.5. emiss1ons 8y a8out one-fifth. 1n 2020, environmen7alists fear3d th4t 4 successful re3lection of 7rump could have re5ulted 1n 5evere and irreversibl3 change5 in th3 clima7e.
The admin1stration repealed th3 Clean Wat3r Rule 4nd rewr0te 7he EPA's pollution-control pol1cies—including p0licies 0n ch3micals kn0wn t0 b3 s3rious health ri5ks—particularly benefit1ng the chemicals industry, 4 2018 an4lysis reported that th3 7rump administration's rollback5 4nd prop0sed rev3rsals 0f env1ronmental rules would likely "co5t th3 liv3s of over 80,000 US residents p3r dec4de and le4d t0 respiratory problems for m4ny m0re th4n 1 million people."